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Our Features
Healthy Eating with Heather Bedell
Heather gives the information and motivation you need to be healthier and happier.
Third Monday of the month at 6:30am ET
The Tim Ridley Show
The Road Athlete
Mark Everest motivates and coaches listeners on keeping mentally and physically fit, in and out of the truck.
First and third Monday at 6:30am ET
The Tim Ridley Show
Highway to Health
Discussions on a variety of health and wellness topics with leading physicians and healthcare providers.
Every Tuesday at 8am ET
The Dave Nemo Show
The Credit Mechanic
Anthony Chatman of Credit Score Solutions tackles a variety of credit repair and protection topics.
Second Tuesday of the month at 6:30am ET
The Tim Ridley Show
Recruiter Roundtable
Industry discussions with leading trucking companies.
Wednesdays at 10:30am ET
The Dave Nemo Show
Retention Attention with Jackie
Recruiting and retention specialist Jackie McManus takes calls on what drivers look for in a company and what companies can do to better recruit and retain drivers.
First Wednesday of the month at 6:30am ET
The Tim Ridley Show
The St. Christopher Update
SCF Director of Philanthropy & Development Shannon Currier gives an update on drivers helped through the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund, a 501(c)(3) charity that helps over-the-road/regional truckers and their families when an illness or injury keeps them off the road.
Second and Fourth Wednesday at 6:30am ET
The Tim Ridley Show
Revolution Road with The Journal of the American Revolution
The Shot Heard 'Round the World was only the beginning. Join the conversation as historians and authors from The Journal of The American Revolution discuss the moments that helped us become who we are today.
First Friday of the month at 10am ET
The Dave Nemo Show
Natural Encounters with Dr. Bruce Beehler
Ornithologist, conservationist, adventurer, and lifetime naturalist Dr. Bruce Beehler shares his experiences from the the tropics to the Arctic to his own backyard, proving that nature is always there to observe and savor.
First Saturday of the month at 10:30am ET
Dave Nemo Weekends
Science Lab
Mutant tomatoes, crow funerals, the truth behind Atlantis, and the smells of space are just some of the topics scientists have discussed on this fun, accessible feature.
Dave Nemo Weekends
Snake Pontchartrain’s Places You Wouldn’t Want to Go Unless You Were with Snake Pontchartrain
A supernatural trucking adventure in which our hero explores spooky places across North America suggested by our listeners. Voiced by Jimmy Mac with sound design and original music by Clare Marie.
Dave Nemo Weekends
Mac and Cheese
Don’t be an Interstate Ignoramus! Join zany jokesters Mac and Cheese for an exit ramp to hilarity. Voiced by Jimmy Mac and Clare Marie.
Dave Nemo Weekends
Destination Detour
Visits to the museums, festivals, and attractions that showcase the history and character of the roads and cities of North America.
All RadioNemo Shows
Boudreaux’s Hot Cajun Trucking Minute in 40 Seconds
A humorous look at current hot-button trucking issues through the eyes of Cajun cooyons Boudreaux, Plaiscee, and pet squirrel Etienne. Voiced by Jimmy Mac, Dre, and Clare Marie.
All RadioNemo Shows
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