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Our Features



Traffic Stop: Truckers Against Trafficking

Truckers Against Trafficking and special guests promote awareness of human trafficking to members of the trucking community, who are in a unique position to recognize and report it.

Mondays at 9am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Women in Trucking

Women in Trucking President/CEO Ellen Voie and special guests discuss issues that affect women and the trucking industry as a whole, and highlight efforts and advancements being made to make trucking more female-friendly.

Second Monday of the month at 9am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Industry Insights

Carrier Lists’ Kevin Hill and MSU Logistics Assistant Professor Dr. Jason Miller look at current market and industry trends.

Fourth Monday of the month at 9am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Safety, Compliance and Common Sense

Transportation safety consultant Rick Gobbell and NASTC’s David Owen and Jim Edwards talk with listeners about compliance and safety issues.

Every Monday at 10am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Healthy Eating with Heather Bedell

Heather gives the information and motivation you need to be healthier and happier.

Third Monday of the month at 6:30am ET


The Tim Ridley Show

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The Road Athlete

Mark Everest motivates and coaches listeners on keeping mentally and physically fit, in and out of the truck.

First and third Monday at 6:30am ET


The Tim Ridley Show

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Mind Over Matter

Inspirational speaker Dr. Dravon James helps listeners build the lives of their dreams and achieve everyday peace.

First Monday of the month at 6:30am ET


The Tim Ridley Show


Highway to Health

Discussions on a variety of health and wellness topics with leading physicians and healthcare providers.

Every Tuesday at 8am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

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Trucking Trends

President and COO of Crete Carrier and Shaffer Trucking Tim Aschoff discusses trends and changes in the industry with industry leaders.

First Tuesday at 9am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Tech Talk With TMC

Executive Director of ATA’s Technology and Maintenance Council Robert Braswell and special guests discuss the latest in tech and design and answer questions about truck maintenance.

Every Tuesday at 10am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Cash in on Fuel with Volvo

Industry leaders discuss the finer points of fuel economy.

Second and Fourth Tuesdays of the month


The Dave Nemo Show

The Setback Comeback on Relationships and Life with Dr. Willie Jolley

Motivational speaker Dr. Willie Jolley offers inspiration and information on relationships, finances, and life in general.

Fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30am ET


The Tim Ridley Show

The Pain Mechanic

CEO and founder of Fluid Health and Fitness Ryan Maxwell gives guidance on proper body mechanics.

First Tuesday of the month at 6:30am ET


The Tim Ridley Show

The Credit Mechanic

Anthony Chatman of Credit Score Solutions tackles a variety of credit repair and protection topics.

Second Tuesday of the month at 6:30am ET


The Tim Ridley Show

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Recruiter Roundtable

Industry discussions with leading trucking companies.

Wednesdays at 10:30am ET


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Protecting your Livelihood

Transportation Attorney Bridgette Blitch brings special guests to cover all manner of legal issues drivers can face.

First Wednesday of the month at 9am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Load ‘Em Up, Move ‘Em Out

Industry leaders from the Truckload Carriers Association share news and insights about this important segment of trucking.

Second Wednesday of the month at 9am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Maintenance Matters

TravelCenters of America Director of Technical Service Homer Hogg provides solutions so you can get the most out of your truck.

First and Third Wednesday at 8am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Miles Back

American Truck Historical Society First Vice President Mark Schroyer and other experts talk about antique trucks, engines, and truck restorations.

Third Wednesday of the month at 6:30am ET


The Tim Ridley Show

Retention Attention with Jackie

Recruiting and retention specialist Jackie McManus takes calls on what drivers look for in a company and what companies can do to better recruit and retain drivers.

First Wednesday of the month at 6:30am ET


The Tim Ridley Show

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The St. Christopher Update

SCF Director of Philanthropy & Development Shannon Currier gives an update on drivers helped through the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund, a 501(c)(3) charity that helps over-the-road/regional truckers and their families when an illness or injury keeps them off the road.

Second and Fourth Wednesday at 6:30am ET


The Tim Ridley Show


On the Highway with Tom Bray

JJ Keller's Tom Bray gives comprehensive information on safety and compliance issues.

Fourth Thursday of the month at 9am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

ATRI On The Air

The American Transportation Research Institute discusses its latest research findings.

Second Thursday of the month at 9am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

FMCSA Hotline

Leaders from FMCSA talk one-on-one with listeners about rules and regulations in the Wonderful World of Trucking.

Resuming soon!


The Dave Nemo Show

Trucking America

ATA Vice President of Strategic Planning and Outreach, Elisabeth Barna, covers hot topics surrounding the trucking industry and issues concerning industry image.

Third Thursday of the month at 9am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Canada Calling

Direct from the Great White North, Joanne Ritchie and Jim Park bring news and views from Canada's leading truck owner/operator group, OBAC.

Every Thursday at 9am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

The Business of Trucking

CPA John Turner talks with listeners about taxes, finances and everything business.

Wednesdays at 10am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Conscious Content

Conscious Content Collective founder Brian Ross has down-to-earth, compassionate discussion of grief and other mental health issues.

Fourth Thursday of the month at 6:30am ET


The Tim Ridley Show


Into The Last Empty Places with Peter Stark

Exploration writer and historian Peter Stark revisits out of the way places in America that many listeners have driven through but may not have fully appreciated, understood, or contemplated.

Third Friday of the month at 10:30am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Washington Trucking Week

The folks at OOIDA round up the events of the week in D.C. that affect trucking.

Every Friday at 9:30am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Revolution Road with The Journal of the American Revolution

The Shot Heard 'Round the World was only the beginning. Join the conversation as historians and authors from The Journal of The American Revolution discuss the moments that helped us become who we are today.

First Friday of the month at 10am ET


The Dave Nemo Show

Coffee with the Doc

Dr. Ed Michaelson and Dr. John McElligott discuss various health issues, symptoms and treatments.

Fridays at 6:30am ET


The Tim Ridley Show


Natural Encounters with Dr. Bruce Beehler

Ornithologist, conservationist, adventurer, and lifetime naturalist Dr. Bruce Beehler shares his experiences from the the tropics to the Arctic to his own backyard, proving that nature is always there to observe and savor.

First Saturday of the month at 10:30am ET


Dave Nemo Weekends

Science Lab

Mutant tomatoes, crow funerals, the truth behind Atlantis, and the smells of space are just some of the topics scientists have discussed on this fun, accessible feature.



Dave Nemo Weekends

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Jump Start

An inspirational message for all those seeking meaning on the road.

Every Sunday at 7am ET


Dave Nemo Weekends

Snake Pontchartrain’s Places You Wouldn’t Want to Go Unless You Were with Snake Pontchartrain

A supernatural trucking adventure in which our hero explores spooky places across North America suggested by our listeners. Voiced by Jimmy Mac with sound design and original music by Clare Marie.



Dave Nemo Weekends

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Java with Pastor John

Daily inspiration from Pastor John Dewberry of Bennett Family of Companies.



The Dave Nemo Show

Mac and Cheese

Don’t be an Interstate Ignoramus! Join zany jokesters Mac and Cheese for an exit ramp to hilarity. Voiced by Jimmy Mac and Clare Marie.



Dave Nemo Weekends

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Sleeper Cab Library

Interviews with authors of books and essays of interest to the men and women that make their living on the road.



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Destination Detour

Visits to the museums, festivals, and attractions that showcase the history and character of the roads and cities of North America.



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Boudreaux’s Hot Cajun Trucking Minute in 40 Seconds

A humorous look at current hot-button trucking issues through the eyes of Cajun cooyons Boudreaux, Plaiscee, and pet squirrel Etienne. Voiced by Jimmy Mac, Dre, and Clare Marie.



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