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A Whoppensocker of a Weekend

Writer's picture: Jimmy MacJimmy Mac

Our weekend begins on Friday, as we shift from last weekend’s fictional superheroes to real life ones.

Along with OOIDA’s Mike Matousek and Trucking 101’s Doug McElhaney, New York Times’ best-selling author Ralph Peters joins The Dave Nemo Show. He’ll discuss his historical novel Darkness at Chancellorsville, a recreation of the stirring tale of Stonewall Jackson.

We’re looking for real heroes on Saturday. We want to know who saved your life. We’re taking a

"Destination Detour" into Titusville, Florida, and visiting its American Police Hall of Fame. And because so many heroes never get the help they need, we’re dedicating a portion of our show to a discussion of PTSD with Dr. Laurie Nadel.

If you have any life-saving heroes, do not hesitate to shout them out, proclaim their names, and let us know the bold and daring walk among us.

And on Sunday, the summer is finally upon us! Tell us the snowball stands, summer pools, and backyard parties for which you might brave the heat.

Unless you’re in Colorado. It’s snowing in Colorado. In June. Evidently, that’s a thing.

And Larry Jorgensen joins us to talk the history of America’s favorite beverage with his book The Coca-Cola Trail.


Since 1936, tales of The Beast of Bray Road have haunted Elkhorn, Wisconsin. After a rash of sightings in the late 80’s and early 90’s, appearances of this backroad beast have become increasingly rare…

But rare is not never.

Join Snake Pontchartrain as he teams up with trucker and friend of Weekends Huck Northcutt when they set out this Sunday into one of "Snake Pontchartrain’s Places You Wouldn’t Wanna Go Unless You’re With Snake Pontchartrain."

By the way, Huck is no stranger to the paranormal.

Remember, if you’ve an adventure you would like Snake to join you on, write us at, put “SNAKE” in the subject heading. Tell us the place, and give us a link, a video, or a personal story of your own to help us point The Snake in the right direction.



Thanks! We'll keep in touch.

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