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Taking Care

Writer's picture: Jimmy MacJimmy Mac

A quick note from Clare Marie: Jimmy Mac's rousing words on health and wellness this past weekend dovetail nicely into a lot of what has been covered on "Highway to Health" recently. This coming edition will be no different, when Dr. John McElligott joins us to talk about how planning your day can save your life. Tune in, and call in Tuesday, 2/18 from 8-9am ET on The Dave Nemo Show.


Thanks for indulging me my hot tub tangent on Dave Nemo Weekends. I did it because I want you to enjoy the life you are making for others.

I suggested hydrotherapy because it takes care of so many of the things that the make the profession unwell. Relaxation, white blood cell stimulation, removing toxins, lowering blood pressure, improved circulation, and pain relief are all to be found in the bubbles and heat of those tubs.

And then there is the trucking trifecta of better digestion, improved breathing, and sounder sleep.

We can't sleep, because we can't relax. We can't sleep, because we're congested. We can't sleep, because we're full of toxins, over caffeinated, in pain, and have bad circulation.

That brings me to the topic of apnea.

How much of your apnea could be successfully checked by simply getting a little hydrotherapy?

Don't tell me you don't have time. Take the time to make the time to get in that hot tub.

I am always amazed at the number of extraordinarily professional truckers who take care of their trucks right down to polishing the chrome, so they can see the insignia in their hat when they look into the reflection.

However, when it comes to doing the same thing every cowboy looked forward to in the old west, climbing into a steaming tub, they transform into hyper-macho men who ain't got time for that.

Good enough for The Earps, Wild Bill, and Billy the Kid? Good enough for them.

Obstructive sleep apnea is not a disease. It is condition that can often be fixed by taking better care of yourself. There are thousands of drivers who would never dream of not switching filters, who take ten of thousands of tiny steps to avoid spending tens of thousands of dollars on truck repair.

Those folks have no problem with micro-maintenance on their rigs. But they won't make the time for the rig in which their brain resides. They won't walk, they won't try yoga, they won't drink water in buckets, and they won't practice mindfulness.

They call trucking a lifestyle. But that doesn't sound like living.

Since those folks won't do those things I named above, would the rest of you who understand the game tell them to at least climb into a hot tub?

I worry our friends are not doing even the simplest things, because they convinced themselves that they're not worth it.

Tell them they are. Because that person pays the bills, takes care of wonderful pets, loves a significant other, adores precious children, supports amazing coworkers, and makes promises they want to honor to customers, clients, and employees.

How are they going to be able to do any of that if they have diabetes, high blood pressure, painful arthritis, a hacking cough, an anger management issue, struggles with obesity, and apnea?

Ask them if they know what a great person is underneath all that. I do. You do.

Tell them that wonderful person deserves a wonderful adventure where they meet great people, go to amazing places, and make lots of money.


Photo by Jan Phoenix on Unsplash


Thanks! We'll keep in touch.

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